Saturday, October 24, 2009


Let me start it off, k?
This is the sixth day of my mononucleosis, also know as the "kissing disease", and it is like death. Supposedly most people get it from kissing, right. Not me. I drank after my friend Michael. -sigh- But let me tell you, if you do get it from kissing it most certainly is the KISS OF DEATH! If you want to know more about it, look it up. So today I saw my two best friends,whom I haven't seen for a week, and it was wonderful! I just hope they dont get sick. That would be terrible. Anywho, my friend Dakota came over today to keep me company and such. We watched "scary" movies. And we watched the Burbs - which might I add is a hilarious movie! Oh man.. I am so tired, but can't fall asleep because I feel like my throat is going to swell up and close on me. Dudes, you should see the nasty puss I got on my tonsils.. it's totally gross!! Well little chickadee's. I know I haven't written a lot, but I promise I'll be back later with more interesting things. Trust me, once I'm with my friends again I will have much, much to tell. buhbye my friend. AND may the force be with you. peace.

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