Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gecko's! ^__^

hey, hey, buttercup! I am feeling a lot better today than I was a couple days ago. I ate some ice cream - which will eventually come back to haunt me-- I'm counting down the minutes. I am sitting next to my sister at the moment.. she's complaining about a boy who annoys the heck out of her. I would reveal his name, but I shall not in case he comes across this-- which I doubt he will. My gecko's are looking at me. *sigh* I want to watch a movieeee. Oh one of my bestest friends stopped by to see me today! It was so nice! He only stayed for about 45 minutes, but every minute was awesome! We talked about people... lol. Oh my, my chest hurts ( as in coughing ). I'm a little tired, but concerned about some stuff I really shouldn't be concerned about at the moment, and some stuff I should be. Ah well, I will deal with it in the morning/afternoon/ SOMETIME TOMORROW. hah. Oh! So I went over to this awesome thing called Kids Crusade we're having at our church-- just to pick up my sister that is, and people were coming up to me saying, " You're not dead!" It was terrible.. lol. And some were afraid to come near me. It's not like Im going to spit on them or something! Gheeze. I sense movement in my house. Sorry, that was random of me. Anyways, and this one dude was like " Hey, are you actually wearing your pajama pants here?!" And I replied telling him not to judge me, and that I was just picking my sister up. Yes, yes. It was quite interesing... and I got some cotten candy from my sister! woot woot! that's totally a pluuuuusss! HOUSE OF WAX. sorry, I was looking at a movie across from me on my bookshelf. It really only holds a few book, mostly movies. My books are all on the floor by my bed. I dont feel like putting them on the shelf. Man I need to string new christmas lights in my room. I have seven strands now, but most of them dont work anymore. Anyways, I know, I know this is supposed to be about my mono. Well it is, but it's also just about my dang life. Want to hear something else very interesting..... I Love Jesse Reid!!! hahahahah. :D He won't read this though-- Although I bet you he's tried hacking into my account even though he said he didn't, that was this afternoon when he told me that anyways. Ah I dont know what Im talking about anymore I should get some sleep. All I want to do is sleep all day, everyday. CURSE YOU AQUA SCUM! er MONO! Aqua mono? hmmm. interesting. Well, goodnight people... In the words of Arnold Schwarz.. I can't spell his last name, " I'll be back."

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