Sunday, October 25, 2009

" It's good to be back, Lloyd."

Here I am again, still sick, unfortunately. Just watched The Shining. Classic movie I tell you. My throat is feeling a little bit better, but it feels like I snorted pool water up my nose. And my ears are terrible. Ah yes, my complaining as always- get use to it. I went to Wally this morning. Very productive... aye aye. ** rolls eyes** Anyway, I got some kleennex. Puffs to be specific. Well, my good friends.. I'm going to go lie in my bed for ahwile and snort vicks. 0__0 yes, yes. Might end up watching My Best Friends Wedding. Decent movie. Still wish I could watch The Shining again. "Here's Johnny!" oh man.. good times, good times. peace.

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