Wednesday, October 28, 2009


goodnight world! Love you all! I'm too tired to write a bunch of stuff. Nothing thrilling happened today anyway. Have a good evening and I'll write tomorrow if I remember. And if I have anything exciting to write lol! That's all for now FOLKS'! peace.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look, their about to dance! Or at least play ' Ring Around the Rosie'!

Gecko's! ^__^

hey, hey, buttercup! I am feeling a lot better today than I was a couple days ago. I ate some ice cream - which will eventually come back to haunt me-- I'm counting down the minutes. I am sitting next to my sister at the moment.. she's complaining about a boy who annoys the heck out of her. I would reveal his name, but I shall not in case he comes across this-- which I doubt he will. My gecko's are looking at me. *sigh* I want to watch a movieeee. Oh one of my bestest friends stopped by to see me today! It was so nice! He only stayed for about 45 minutes, but every minute was awesome! We talked about people... lol. Oh my, my chest hurts ( as in coughing ). I'm a little tired, but concerned about some stuff I really shouldn't be concerned about at the moment, and some stuff I should be. Ah well, I will deal with it in the morning/afternoon/ SOMETIME TOMORROW. hah. Oh! So I went over to this awesome thing called Kids Crusade we're having at our church-- just to pick up my sister that is, and people were coming up to me saying, " You're not dead!" It was terrible.. lol. And some were afraid to come near me. It's not like Im going to spit on them or something! Gheeze. I sense movement in my house. Sorry, that was random of me. Anyways, and this one dude was like " Hey, are you actually wearing your pajama pants here?!" And I replied telling him not to judge me, and that I was just picking my sister up. Yes, yes. It was quite interesing... and I got some cotten candy from my sister! woot woot! that's totally a pluuuuusss! HOUSE OF WAX. sorry, I was looking at a movie across from me on my bookshelf. It really only holds a few book, mostly movies. My books are all on the floor by my bed. I dont feel like putting them on the shelf. Man I need to string new christmas lights in my room. I have seven strands now, but most of them dont work anymore. Anyways, I know, I know this is supposed to be about my mono. Well it is, but it's also just about my dang life. Want to hear something else very interesting..... I Love Jesse Reid!!! hahahahah. :D He won't read this though-- Although I bet you he's tried hacking into my account even though he said he didn't, that was this afternoon when he told me that anyways. Ah I dont know what Im talking about anymore I should get some sleep. All I want to do is sleep all day, everyday. CURSE YOU AQUA SCUM! er MONO! Aqua mono? hmmm. interesting. Well, goodnight people... In the words of Arnold Schwarz.. I can't spell his last name, " I'll be back."

Monday, October 26, 2009


So anyways.... Im feeling better. My throat doesn't have that icky puss on it anymore. hahahah. yes. anyways... i can't wait to get out of the house and see my friends again. I miss everyone so much. Well... Im going to go eat, now that I dont feel like nauseated anymore. I ate pizza todayy! It was yummiiii. [[: bye.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

" It's good to be back, Lloyd."

Here I am again, still sick, unfortunately. Just watched The Shining. Classic movie I tell you. My throat is feeling a little bit better, but it feels like I snorted pool water up my nose. And my ears are terrible. Ah yes, my complaining as always- get use to it. I went to Wally this morning. Very productive... aye aye. ** rolls eyes** Anyway, I got some kleennex. Puffs to be specific. Well, my good friends.. I'm going to go lie in my bed for ahwile and snort vicks. 0__0 yes, yes. Might end up watching My Best Friends Wedding. Decent movie. Still wish I could watch The Shining again. "Here's Johnny!" oh man.. good times, good times. peace.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Let me start it off, k?
This is the sixth day of my mononucleosis, also know as the "kissing disease", and it is like death. Supposedly most people get it from kissing, right. Not me. I drank after my friend Michael. -sigh- But let me tell you, if you do get it from kissing it most certainly is the KISS OF DEATH! If you want to know more about it, look it up. So today I saw my two best friends,whom I haven't seen for a week, and it was wonderful! I just hope they dont get sick. That would be terrible. Anywho, my friend Dakota came over today to keep me company and such. We watched "scary" movies. And we watched the Burbs - which might I add is a hilarious movie! Oh man.. I am so tired, but can't fall asleep because I feel like my throat is going to swell up and close on me. Dudes, you should see the nasty puss I got on my tonsils.. it's totally gross!! Well little chickadee's. I know I haven't written a lot, but I promise I'll be back later with more interesting things. Trust me, once I'm with my friends again I will have much, much to tell. buhbye my friend. AND may the force be with you. peace.